New Summer Opportunity

I am happy to announce that Cape Lookout National Seashore has been awarded
a National Park Service Youth Intern Program Grant for the summer of 2010.
Our project, Mentoring Youth Toward Career Opportunities, is seeking to
recruit 4 local youth from socially and economically diverse backgrounds to
participate in a mentoring work program within Cape Lookout National
Seashore. We will be recruiting and hiring, for paid summer employment, 2
rising high school seniors and 2 Carteret Community College students.

Participants will be park service summer employees with the added benefit
of having on-site park service mentors to guide them through such practical
job skills training as resume writing, filling out job applications,
working as part of a team, problem-solving on the job, and career
opportunities within the National Park Service. Additionally, participants
will receive training (by a professional consultant) on presenting
themselves positively in interviews (dress, manner, and speech), how to
successfully interview for jobs, and conduct a job search. Participants
will receive a diverse work experience by assisting Park Ranger staff in
the Interpretive, Natural Resource, and Visitor and Resource Protection
divisions. Who could ask for more out of a summer job!

Barbara Cohea
Youth Intern Program Coordinator
Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Coordinator
Outreach Education Program Coordinator
Park Ranger–Interp
252-728-2250 ext. 3001

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